Voice actor veteran Lee Alan to read and produce audio book of ‘The Swamps of Jersey’

We are so proud to represent this author. His stories are so well crafted, well worth the accolades they earn. Stay tuned for more information and perhaps even a teaser or two from the upcoming audio book!

Michael Stephen Daigle – Author Appearance

Imzadi Publishing is pleased to share an event Michael Stephen Daigle will be appearing at on November 5th! Stop by and buy your Frank Nagler mystery directly from him and have him sign it at the same time!



Imzadi Publishing – New Releases

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00073]It has been a busy busy time for Imzadi Publishing this spring beginning with the release of Marc Cullison’s follow-up novel to The Other Vietnam War: A Helicopter Pilot’s Life in Vietnam, Vietnam Again.

The Other Vietnam War gives the reader some insight into what Marc went through in Vietnam. Not simply the struggles one would expect with experiencing life and death situations but the ethical dilemma’s one would experience as well. It is a truly unique perspective on the Vietnam War.

Vietnam Again takes place 40 years later when out of the blue Marc receive’s a phone call inviting him to accompany other Vietnam Vets on a trip back to the scene of so much trauma and upheaval, back to a place he thought he would never return to…a place he never wanted to return to.

Another fascinating read from Mr. Cullison!

The Weight of LivingThen April was upon us and the release date for the third installment of Michael Stephen Daigle’s Frank Nagler Mystery Series, The Weight of Living was quickly approaching.

This series takes place in Ironton, NJ, a dilapidated old steel town swamp deep in well developed, deep characters that anyone can relate to. Yes, that was a nod to The Swamps of Jersey, the first book in this series.

Mr. Daigle, like his character Det. Frank Nagler, doesn’t shy away from tough subjects, this book is certainly no exception.

The Weight of Living opens with a young girl dressed only in a tank top and shorts found sitting in a dumpster. She is freezing in her exposed state, shaking from the cold on a snowy New Jersey night but she sits frozen in place as though afraid to move from where she is. How did she get there? Why didn’t she ask for help? Why won’t she talk to anyone? The search for the girl’s identity begins a journey that leads Frank Nagler deep down into Ironton’s underbelly where long held secrets have been protected for decades.

I warn you, once you pick it up you won’t want to put it down. This series is addictive!

Whew! See, we have been busy at Imzadi Publishing and we have something for everyone! If you have something you would like to submit to Imzadi Publishing visit our website for our submission guidelines, we are always looking for new manuscripts in any genre.

Oh, one last thing! Please don’t forget to take a moment to leave a review after reading a book. Reviews do not need to be lengthy, they can be just a few words but they are extremely helpful.