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Rating: 3 out of 5.

GOOD READ – Faith lost is an interesting tale, though hard to peg down in order to describe. I enjoy tales that raise questions of the soul’s journey and its interconnection with the longing question about the meaning of life. I can recommend it as a good read.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

GREAT READ BUT… – It ended off on a cliff hanger., which is fine. Readers are left to imagine the overall outcome. However, some may not be too fond of this. Other than that, it was a great read!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

PERSONAL & INTRIGUING – I didn’t know much about the Vietnam war, other than what we read in school. This book gives a personal insight into what the author went through, and though, I’m sure each soldier’s experience was different, they were all practically “in the same boat”. What the author said from the very beginning was “This story is not the whole truth because truth can’t be told in a story. Only experience can. I have to convey my experiences in Vietnam the way I lived them. That’s why I’m telling you the story in my own way.” There are some critical reviews about this book about the author being “negative towards his experience in Vietnam”. Well, frankly, I think they’re stupid because most of them were not there, and obviously they can’t appreciate a veteran’s story about his experience. A little off-topic, but had to get that out. Thank you, Marc, for your service! Overall, would definitely recommend this book!

Rating: 4 out of 5.

ENGAGING – Very engaging mystery.
Highly recommended!

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